Monday, September 30, 2013

Written a Month Ago, Let's Just Get it Posted.

Alright, alright. I know I ended my last blog post with a list of wonderful shit that I am grateful for here, but the list-making just isn't finished yet. Sorry! But ya'll will have to endure some more list readin' if I have anything to say about it. Me and the 'rents were making an impromptu list of all the epic things I've gotten to do this summer, and I had a hard time keeping track of it all. Ya know how sometimes a period of time in your life is just so jam-packed full of awesome that you worry you will forget some of the awesome shit that went down? Ya. So, another list I shall make. (in no particular order)

-Went kite-flying, zoo-exploring, backyard-tenting, pool-swimming, sometimes-yelling, and whole lot of loving with my nephews and niece. <3

-Sucessfull morel-mushroom hunting for the first time since I was a kid. SCORE

-Made it to my brother's beautiful country wedding

-Attended the first official Thompson family reunion and saw some family members for the first time in a decade!

-Hiked 15 miles and two days in Glacier, Montana. ALWAYS wanted to go there. One of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Wow.

-Went to Red Lodge and saw the Beartooth Pass finally. Fell in love with Montana.

-Had a much-needed girls weekend in Park City, Utah with my mom, sister, and sister-in-law

-Taught my nephews and niece how to cook their favorite vegetables. Made me SO happy

-Ran my first 5k with my Sis!

-Went to the Grand Targhee Music Festival for the first time since I was a kid!

-Part-time chicken wrangler with my parent's new flock. Mom swears chickens are the key to happiness.

-Spent lots of time with my great-grandmother Lee and had some wonderful visits with my Grandma Floran. Much appreciated and needed.

-Floated the Hoback river, been itching for that all year

-Watched how homebrewed beer is made. Holy nerdballs, that is intense stuff. So cool.

-Went country dancing! Ok, got rained out but still learned some moves. My jitterbug is better for sure.

-Learned how to jar and pickle with mama <3

Time to pack up the old 'Rolla and head West.

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